April 20, 2024

What 11 Titanic Passengers Actually Looked Like in Real Life

2. Captain Edward Smith

Image Credit score: baomoi

Under the command of 62-year-old Edward Smith, the Titanic was educated in an average family and dropped out of school at the age of twelve to begin service in the Royal Naval Reserve. With 40 years of service, Smith was the most accomplished captain of the White Star Line firm. The Titanic cruise was meant to be the last one for him before retirement.

There was a general opinion at the time that icebergs were not harmful. And in 1907, in an interview, the future Titanic captain announced that he could not “imagine any condition that would cause the founder of a ship.” Modern shipbuilding has moved past that.” There are controversial views on the captain’s life’s final minutes.” But there are some witnesses who say he died like a hero.

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