If you live in Texas, you have probably read about, or experienced, an offshore oil rig accident. Sources: 14
If you are injured in an accident at work off the coast, you need a lawyer with extensive experience in maritime law to defend your rights and interests. A lawyer should be able to obtain substantial judgments and settlements for clients who have suffered damage in offshore accidents. If you are an injured seafarers or have been injured in an accident at work, you need a lawyer with a comprehensive knowledge of offshore accident law and offshore injury law. You need the best possible legal representation to take your case forward, so consult a lawyer with extensive experience in coastal and offshore law for advice and advice on your legal position. Sources: 6, 8, 11, 15
Processes for spills on offshore oil rigs can be very complex,
but such processes can help injured offshore oil rigs – rig workers to make up some of their losses. Sources: 3
If you have suffered injury or lost a loved one, have your case reviewed by a personal injury lawyer to see what legal options you can have. If you are unsure whether to take legal action against the oil rig accident law firm, contact a New Orleans maritime accident attorney for more information. Sources: 9, 18, 20
If you are an offshore worker or a shipbuilder injured,
contact Gardner Law Firm to arrange an appointment with an attorney from a New Orleans offshore accident law firm. Those who are familiar with offshore accidents and the law that goes with them will be best advised to hire a personal injury attorney in the Gulf of Mexico to review your claims and leave them to you. Sources: 1, 13
If you or a close person have been injured while working on an offshore oil platform, you can use the services of an Opelousas offshore accident lawyer. If you have been injured on a waterway or on a construction site, a lawyer can Rivkind Margulies Riv will be able to help you. Sources: 7, 23
As this type of law is extremely specialised,
you should choose a lawyer with experience and knowledge of maritime accident claims. Lopez Law Group has experience in handling offshore accident claims under the U.S. Coast Guard Act and other offshore accident claims related to maritime law. If you or a close person have suffered serious injuries or lost a family member in an accident at sea or off the coast, we can help you. Sources: 15, 22
If you believe you are due payments for offshore accident violations, you can get a free case review from Lopez Law Group, also known as Texas Hammer. If you or a family member were injured while working, it is important to hire the right lawyer for offshore accidents. You need help to get the care you deserve to look after yourself and your family when you get hurt at work. Sources: 0, 5, 8
Maritime Law Personal Injury Cases are handled by New Orleans maritime lawyers who have proven their expertise in offshore accident cases. Whether your employee’s injury happened on a cruise or offshore, our lawyers for marine and offshore injuries are ready to help you win your case. We have represented oil workers and their families in their efforts to seek compensation for serious injuries. Sources: 8, 20, 23
With the help of an offshore accident lawyer, you can learn how to compensate yourself and your family. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you and contact our New Orleans attorneys to find the right means to seek damages. If you have been injured in an offshore accident, please call us to speak to our offshore accident lawyers who are fighting for your interests. Sources: 2, 4, 10, 12
We will fight hard to get you the help you so desperately need,
and our experienced offshore accident lawyers understand the complex details of the rules and the law of the sea so they can fight for you and your interests. Kreindler Lawyers for Maritime Affairs are committed to compensating offshore workers who have been injured in offshore accidents in the Gulf of Mexico, the Caribbean or other offshore areas. Sources: 4, 15, 17
It is important to have a lawyer who is familiar with the law of the sea at the federal and state level. If you have lost a loved one in an accident off the coast, you should immediately seek expert legal advice. Have you been injured while working in the oil field industry or on an oil platform, or have you been injured in accidents on offshore oil platforms? Sources: 17, 18
Injured offshore employees have the opportunity to hire a trusted offshore infringement lawyer to step in and assume their company’s liability for their injuries. Sources: 24
In any case, you need a good lawyer to help you decide what to do next and determine whether a particular type of offshore accident falls under the law. In certain cases, other federal and state laws may come into play, so it is often advisable for victims of offshore accidents to seek advice from an experienced personal injury attorney. An experienced offshore injury lawyer in Houston is not usually interested in the specifics of the ship or the facility in which you were injured, but you must seek him out if that is in your interest. An attorney for offshore Baton Rouge will be familiar with other Louisiana personal injury laws that could apply to your case.
#New #Orleans #maritime
“This is why you need to contact a New Orleans Jones Act lawyer to help navigate through the intricacies of the Jones Act.” 3
“If you are unsure about whether to pursue a Jones Act claim or workers ‘comp claim, consult with our New Orleans maritime accident lawyer today.” 3
“Our Mobile, Alabama, Jones Act maritime accident lawyers can clarify its provisions to you and talk about your choices under the Act.” 19
“If you are not sure whether a specific behavior would count as negligence, consult with our New Orleans maritime injury lawyer and find out.” 3
“If you or a loved one has been injured while working for an oil and gas company in the New Orleans area contact an experienced New Orleans maritime attorney at the Shlosman Law Firm today.” 3
#understand #experience
“At The Krist Law Firm, P.C., our maritime injury attorneys in Houston understand the complexities of the various laws governing maritime injuries and corresponding damages.” 15
“The offshore injury lawyers at Morris Bart, LLC Attorneys at Law are experienced in handling cases involving offshore injuries and accidents and the Jones Act.” 6
“With over a century of combined experience, our Houston maritime and offshore injury lawyers have the dedicated focus and understanding of this niche area of law needed to help you with your claim.” 16
“The San Antonio offshore accident lawyers at the Villarreal & Begum Law Firm have the experience and resources necessary to conduct a thorough investigation into any maritime injury case.” 22
“As a leading team of offshore accident lawyers in Lake Charles, we help victims understand that the general maritime law includes provisions for maintenance and cure, injury, and piracy to protect offshore workers.” 21
#lawsuits #oil #injured
“Offshore oil rig accident lawsuits can be very complex, but such lawsuits may be able to help an injured offshore oil rig worker to recover fair compensation for their injuries.” 7
“Unlike most workplace injury victims, those injured on an offshore oil rig are protected by more than just workers ‘compensation laws.” 14
“These same workers are also among the first to recommend that any injured worker should hire an offshore oil rig accidental injury lawyer in order to protect an injured worker’s right to fair compensation.” 7
“In most cases, the only way to fully financially recover from an offshore workplace injury is to file a maritime injury lawsuit with an experienced offshore injury attorney.” 11
“Those seamen injured while working in the Outer Continental Shelf in U.S. jurisdiction, including anyone injured while working on a fixed platform, can file a lawsuit for financial compensation for their offshore injuries under the OCSLA.” 11
#ships #boats
“They include tug boats, supply boats, water taxis, shrimp boats, ferries, trawlers, riverboats, barges, tankers, drillships, jack – up rigs, container ships, cruise ships, fishing boats and charter boats.” 4
“Offshore workers suffer serious injuries caused by conditions on offshore platform rigs, spar platforms, drillships, jack – up rigs, tankers, crew boats, lay barges, and other vessels.” 13
“Offshore oil rig workers, and workers whose jobs are in support of offshore rig operations, are generally covered by both state and federal workers ‘compensation programs.” 7
“The LHWCA covers offshore oil rig workers, gas platform workers, harbor workers and other dry land maritime workers involved in loading, unloading, building or repairing maritime vessels.” 11
“Every year, offshore oil rig and gas platform workers, shrimpers, commercial fishermen, cruise ship seamen, tankermen, divers, barge workers, offshore utility workers, deckhands and other maritime workers are seriously or fatally injured in maritime accidents.” 11
#attorney #contact #help
“If you or someone you know has been injured in a boat accident, offshore accident or other accident requiring help from an experienced maritime law attorney, contact our firm at 337 – 205 – 9786 to schedule a consultation.” 8
“Contact our dedicated Louisiana maritime and offshore accident attorneys today for a free, no – obligation consultation to discuss how we can help you.” 1
“When you ‘ve been hurt in an accident, a Houston offshore injury attorney at Richard J. Plezia & Associates can help.” 17
“When you need a San Antonio offshore accident attorney, you can contact us online for a free consultation or call us at ( 210 ) 777 – 4878.” 22
“With the help of our offshore accident attorneys, you can learn how to go about seeking compensation for you and your family.” 20
“Injured maritime workers who don’t qualify as a Jones Act “seaman” may file a claim for full financial compensation under the federal Longshore Act and Harbor Workers Compensation Act.” 11
“Since jack – up rigs are rightly considered Jones Act vessels, the workers have the right to sue for compensation under American Law.” 2
“A maritime lawsuit needs to be filed to get compensation and these days, it is popularly known as a Jones Act claim.” 2
“Of those rights, possibly the most crucial right, is the seaman’s right to obtain maintenance and cure compensation irrespective of fault.” 19
“This is due to the reason that claims under the Jones Act are entitled to a much wider type of recovery as compared to claims under workers ‘compensation.” 2
“Maritime work is regulated by federal laws and international law, which can include general maritime law, the Jones Act, the Death on the High Seas Act ( DOHSA ), and the Longshore and Harbor Workers Compensation Act ( LHWCA ).” 12
“Maritime law, otherwise known as admiralty law, is the type of law that governs activities at sea or in navigable waters.” 3
“The Merchant Marine Act of 1920 or the Jones Act, as it is now called, offers specific protection under the Admiralty law.” 2
“If you do not qualify for Jones Act protections, you may have questions about admiralty law, also known simply as maritime law.” 4
“Consequentially, offshore drilling related injuries and deaths can involve a sleuth of complex laws, such as the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, the Death on High Seas Act, The Jones Act ( mentioned above ), and the Longshore and Harbor Worker’s Compensation Act ( also mentioned above ).” 19
#River #Gulf #Mexico #Coast #Texas
“Among theses waterways are the Tennessee River, Mississippi River, Black Warrior River, Cumberland River, Tombigbee River, Tenn – Tom Waterway, Chattahoochee River, Mobile River, and the Ohio River.” 19
“We have represented Texas residents injured in the Gulf of Mexico, at Gulf Coast ports of call, and in shipping terminals off the coast of Texas.” 15
“Our Corpus Christi -based firm handles maritime worker injury claims along inland and coastal Texas, Mississippi, Florida, Louisiana, Alabama and across the Gulf of Mexico.” 11
“Most of the state’s oil production occurs in the mid – southern region of the state, along the Mississippi River, and along the Gulf Coast shoreline.” 14
“From our office in Rancho Santa Fe, California, our lawyers help oil workers who are injured in the Gulf of Mexico, along the Pacific West Coast, in Alaska and on other offshore oil rig platforms around the world.” 9
“As a worker, you are entitled to compensation under the Jones Act for injuries suffered due to the negligence of another employee, operator or the vessel owner.” 2
“A key element to qualifying for a Jones Act case is that the injured person must be classified as a seaman.” 6
“Qualifying seaman are able to file a maritime lawsuit under the Jones Act if they develop an illness or suffer an injury while working aboard or on a vessel.” 2
“As a Jones Act seaman, that depends on the nature of the injured person’s work and where such work was performed.” 4
“The Jones Act ( Merchant Marine Act ) provides those who qualify as “seamen” with the right to claim full financial compensation for on – the – job injury or death in cases of employer or owner negligence.” 11
#knowledge #obtain
“Our in – depth knowledge of personal injury law extends to the complicated field of maritime law, which not all personal injury firms specialize in.” 22
“We are knowledgeable about the complicated area of maritime law and use our skills to obtain fair compensation for injured people.” 8
“Because offshore injury claims are subject to maritime law rather than traditional personal injury law, your ability to collect financial compensation depends heavily on choosing an experienced maritime injury lawyer with expertise in maritime and admiralty law.” 11
“Unfortunately, maritime law is complex, and those who are responsible for your injury understand how to make the law work for them and against you.” 1
“Since this kind of law is extremely specialized, you should make certain to decide on a maritime accidents lawyer with experience and knowledge concerning maritime injury claims.” 19
#boat #waters #injured #ship
“If you believe that you have been injured during the duration of your employment on a boat or ship, Charles McCorquodale Law is proud to represent injured crewmembers around the boats and ships that serve Southeast’s navigable waters.” 19
“If you’re injured on commercially navigable waters or you happen to be injured for the duration of your employment aboard a commercial vessel or as a harbor worker, your claim could also be a maritime injury claim.” 19
“There must be a relatively permanent connection between you and either a single vessel, or a group of vessels under common ownership.” 6
“A worker covered by the Jones Act includes anyone who spends more than 30 percent of his time working aboard a vessel on navigable waters.” 12
#sue #death #damages #negligence
“The unseaworthiness claim is separate from negligence under the Jones Act and may offer additional avenues for compensation and recovery of damages.” 15
“The LHWCA also allows certain injured workers or surviving family members to sue the third party for negligence in causing injury or death.” 15
“The family of a seaman also has the right to sue the employer for a wrongful death action under the Jones Act in case a work – related illness or injury led to the death of their loved one.” 2
“The Jones Act holds the employer or t he vessel owner liable for any injury that happened as a result of the negligence on their part and provides the injured employee the right to sue the owner for damages.” 3
#cure #Maintenance
“Maintenance and cure payments consist of monetary compensation for an injured seaman’s health – related expenditures, reimbursements for physical therapy, the recovery of misplaced wages and an every day stipend for any seaman’s residing expenditures through the seaman’s entire recovery period.” 19
“Maintenance and Cure — Maintenance and cure is a legal doctrine that provides assistance to seamen who are injured while working on a vessel until they reach maximum medical improvement.” 15
“A seaman who becomes ill or injured for the duration of service on their ship will likely be entitled to a form of compensation referred to as “Maintenance and Cure.” 19
“The Jones Act provides injured maritime workers the right to maintenance and cure, compensation for lost wages, and medical expenses after a work injury.” 12
#oil #explosions #drilling #platform
“Some of the biggest and most awful maritime accidents in the world have been caused by oil rig explosions which is widely regarded as the worst kind of oil rig accident.” 2
“These injuries can occur aboard ships or in harbor, and involve offshore oil rig accidents, offshore crane accidents, drilling rigs, fishing vessel injuries and more.” 8
“Offshore drilling rigs are widely used for oil drilling and exploration but working on these can also lead to serious injuries and in some cases, even fatalities.” 2
“Serious injuries and fatal burns are often caused by blowouts on land – based oil wells as well as offshore drilling rigs.” 2
“Offshore oil platforms are located in dangerous environments where serious injury and death can occur in many ways : from accidents on boats or helicopters while being transported to the platform, diving injuries, problems with equipment used on the platform, and gas fires and explosions.” 9
#operating #fleet #mission
“The court does not evaluate the worker’s connection to a vessel or a fleet at just the moment of injury, but instead evaluates a seaman’s relationship to a vessel or a fleet as if that seaman were to have completed the mission uninjured.” 6
“The injured seaman must have been aboard the vessel primarily to perform duties outlined under his employment and those duties must have contributed to a primary function of the vessel or the accomplishment of a mission.” 6
“This law offers protection to all US citizens ( working as seaman ) who suffer illness or injury due to negligence or un – seaworthiness aboard a vessel that has been operating in the navigable waters.” 2
“Every single year, recreational boaters suffer from injuries or endure death as a result of carelessness or failure to comply with the guidelines of navigation of other vessel operators.” 19
#insurance #pay
“Your employer and its insurance company will try to minimize your claim in order to pay you as little as possible.” 4
“Insurance companies, employers, and others associated with your offshore accident will work hard to avoid paying you the compensation you deserve.” 1
“We take offshore accident cases on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay nothing until we successfully recover the compensation you deserve.” 22
“When you contact our workers ‘compensation lawyer by calling our 24-hour workers’ comp help line at ( 800 ) 341 – 0000, you first consultation is always free and does not place you under any obligation to retain our firm to manage your case.” 7
“Oil production corporations will do everything they can to fight your claim or hide the details of your injuries to get out of paying you the compensation your family deserves.” 14
#day #job #industry #occur
“Because of the nature of the industry, there are a variety of dangerous accidents that can occur in an offshore or maritime worker’s daily job.” 12
“This means maritime workers and maritime workers throughout Texas are at risk every day for experiencing potentially devastating injuries while simply tending to their day – to – day job duties.” 12
“Accidents that happen offshore — or onshore in service of maritime – related activities — are vastly different than other accidents that occur on land.” 15
“There is no such thing as an easy job for those who are involved in the commercial maritime industry; offshore accidents are a common, tragic occurrence.” 20
#working #conditions #Safety
“Oil companies have been fined millions of dollars due to unsafe working conditions for the workers by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.” 2
“This contributes to a safe working environment for all crew members and protects you from being injured while performing hazardous work.” 18
“Employers in the industry are required to keep the working conditions as safe as possible for the workers but even deck navigation can quickly go from dangerous to disastrous in no time.” 2
“Respiratory equipment requires the approval of both the Mine Safety and Health Administration and the National Institute for Occupation Safety and Health ( NIOSH ).” 23
“Some companies, finding themselves short – handed, scramble to find enough workers and fail to conduct the training workers need to be safe on the rig.” 14
#damages #actions #losses #business
“Intangible damages : Under the Jones Act you could win intangible damages such as pain and suffering damages, but you can not claim such damages in a workers ‘compensation claim.” 3
“Even if you think someone has acted improperly, the injuries, losses and damages resulting from those negligent actions may be minimal.” 10
“If your company or business has been harmed by the actions of another, you may have the right to seek damages.” 10
“In many states including Louisiana, it is still possible to claim compensation even if your own actions may have been partly to blame for your injuries, losses or damages.” 10
“Are there sufficient facts to prove that an individual, or organization, was in whole or in part at fault for your injuries, losses or damages?” 10
#attorneys #clients #team #Firm
“At the Doan Law Firm, we have successfully represented clients with a variety of injuries in their workers ‘compensation cases and are ready to assist you with your case.” 7
“At Williams Attorneys PLLC, our offshore injury attorneys are dedicated to ensuring our clients collect the maximum possible compensation for their injuries.” 11
“Regardless of the circumstances surrounding your personal injury, the Gardner Law Firm is there for you with a team of experienced offshore injury attorneys.” 18
“Our experience tells us that with a strong case built by our experienced team of lawyers, the defendant is likely to settle fairly quickly, in most cases.” 2
“We will show you why our firm is different, why our personal injury attorneys are so widely respected, and why clients frequently refer us to their friends and family.” 1
#employers #report #victims
“We have represented victims in cases where workers have been forced by employers to sign waivers and fill out accident reports before they are allowed to see a doctor.” 2
“Depending on the nature of the injuries, fellow co – workers may take it upon themselves to inform the employer of the accident; however, accident victims should not rely on those workers to handle that for them.” 5
“In fact, accident victims are encouraged to write down what happened and provide the employer with a copy of that report as soon as they are physically able to do so.” 5
“While it is true that offshore workers should report their injuries to their employers, they should never speak to others about the specifics of the incident.” 5
#term #bones #falls #cord
“The injuries that an offshore worker might experience can include burns, spinal cord and brain injuries, back and orthopedic injuries, eye injuries, and crush injuries.” 5
“Our San Antonio offshore accident lawyers regularly help clients who have sustained lacerations, broken bones, dislocations, spinal cord injuries, burns, amputations, crush injuries, eye injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and more.” 22
“Seamen are at a higher risk of traumatic brain injuries, slip and falls as well as spinal cord injuries and other accidents.” 2
“Orthopedic injuries : When the bones, tissue, or joints are injured, the short- and long – term effects can range from minor to severe.” 0
“These injuries can consist of slip and falls, health – related negligence, food poisoning, and injuries on shore excursions as well as other tragic situations.” 19
“Every case is different and whether you have a valid claim depends upon the specific facts of your particular case as well as the applicable law.” 10
“These time limits vary widely depending on the state in which you live and on the nature of your case, i.e., does your claim involve an auto accident injury, medical malpractice or product liability claim.” 10
“A Jones Act claim must be brought within the statute of limitations, which will vary depending upon where and how the accident happened.” 12
“You may be required to identify the party responsible for your injuries, which could depend on the circumstances of your accident.” 18
“Some cases involve more than one at – fault party, and it is not uncommon for an insurance company to try to claim that you were somehow responsible for the accident as well.” 18
#machinery #equipment #ladder #body
“Workers who are not careful could be struck by heavy equipment, slip on a wet surface, or fall off an unsecured ladder.” 20
“Workers can also sustain crush injuries to a few digits or the entire body, particularly if the worker gets trapped under or in between heavy objects.” 5
“Limbs can get caught in dangerous parts of the equipment, workers can be pinned underneath a heavy load, or they can be burned or shocked by active equipment.” 20
“It’s a piece of very complicated machinery and as is the case with other such huge machinery, there are certain risks involved for the workers handling it.” 2
#benzene #chemicals #exposure
“Although benzene is known to cause multiple adverse health effects, benzene exposure is most associated with acute myeloid leukemia ( AML ).” 23
“Although benzene occurs naturally in volcanoes and forest fires, most human exposure comes from human activities through working with the chemical.” 23
“Because employers have a responsibility to keep their employees safe from toxic chemicals, OSHA created the chemical exposure effectiveness measures chart.” 23
“However, if you are concerned about benzene exposure in the home then there are few steps you can take to avoid exposure.” 23
“If you or a loved one is living with an illness from benzene exposure in the workplace contact a benzene lawyer immediately.” 23
“Past lawsuits against the company report acute exposure to benzene, as well as smelling various chemicals and vapors on the barges while doing their jobs.